Year 4 Mrs Kay
Welcome to Year 4!
Now the children have fully settled into Key Stage 2 life, Year 4 is all about developing their confidence and independence skills and encouraging them to fend for themselves much more …including by spending a night away from home!
Our biggest challenge this year is to master and nail our times tables but we do that through lots of short and regular bursts of practise using fun games and online challenges so it doesn’t feel so bad!
In fact our curriculum in Year 4 is a packed but exciting one where we get to learn about the likes of Roman and Egyptian life in history and about earthquakes and volcanoes in geography …they are really going to love it!
Keep checking in to our class page to see what we’ve been up to.
Mrs Kay & Mrs Davis
The story so far.... Autumn 1 in Year 4!
Year 4 Yearly Overview 2024/25
Spellings in Year 4
Spelling is taught by following the guidelines and word lists as set out in the National Curriculum Appendix 1. You can find the list of spelling conventions and statutory spelling words relevant for Years 3 & 4 on page 11.
Year 4 Timetable
Y4 Curriculum Information Evening September 2024
Email Class Teacher