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Uniform Information

Click on the link below to download a copy of our uniform (Information for Parents/Carers)

Essential Uniform

  • Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo 
  • White polo shirt with or without school logo 
  • Grey trousers or shorts / Grey skirt or pinafore
  • Girls may wear grey school trousers (no fashion styles please)
  • In the summer red and white school dresses may be worn 
  • Black school shoes
  • Red school book bag
  • Red t-shirt (with or without the school logo) with blue or black shorts pumps & pump bag 

(Your child should have their PE kit in school at all times. The kit will be sent home each half term to enable you to wash it and check that your child’s pumps still fit.)

Optional Items

Red school caps & reversible school coat/fleece available in red or navy
Games Kit for KS2 (Y5/Y6 indoor kit with school logo) KS2 outside PE e.g. leggings / sweatshirts or tracksuits and trainers (football boots optional). Tracksuits are also available with the school logo


As part of the National Curriculum PE requirements Key Stage 2 children have swimming lessons at a local swimming pool. These children will require a swimming costume or trunks (not swim shorts or bikinis) plus a towel.


We only allow small, plain stud earrings and small watches (not smart watches) to be worn in school.


Hair should be neat and tidy for school. High fashion cuts are not suitable for school and we therefore request that extreme styles and fashion hair accessories are not worn in school.