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Religious Education


At Lowercroft Primary, we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world that they live in. The aim of Religious Education at Lowercroft is to help children to gain and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism. 

This learning provides children with the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious issues, whilst enhancing their moral, social, cultural and spiritual development. 

Religious Education is taught throughout the school in a way that reflects the overall aims, values, and ethos of the school. R.E. is taught at Lowercroft to travel through the three aims of making sense of beliefs, making connections and understanding the impact. 

Religious Education plays an important role in promoting social awareness and understanding in our children.

We encourage all of our pupils to ask questions and show curiosity about the world whilst reflecting on their own beliefs, values and experiences. We include British values to ensure children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens.

Our curriculum encourages curiosity, discussion, creativity and independence. 

The Bury Agreed Syllabus for RE (sacre document) can be accessed below


 We use the Agreed Syllabus (2021-2026) for Religious Education developed by Bury Council. 

 From the syllabus it is required that:-

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, the children explore Christianity, as well as key questions about the world we live in. We call this the Discovering stage. 

  • KS1 – Christianity, Judaism and Islam are studied. We call this the Exploring stage. 
  • LKS2 – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism are studied. We call this the Connecting stage. 
  • UKS2 – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism are studied. We call this the Applying and Interpreting stage.

 No presumptions are made regarding the religious backgrounds and beleifs of the children and staff. Our curriculum does not try persuade but rather to inform and develop the skills with which discussion can take place. We encourage children to share their knowledge and experience with others. 

We value the religious beleifs and backgrounds of all of our school community and hope that this will help individuals to feel confident sharing their individual experiences with others if they wish to. 

All religions and their communities are treated with respect. We value the links, which are, and can be made between home, school, and a faith community. We are extremely lucky that the reverend of the local church, Christ Church Ainsworth, regularly comes in to deliver assemblies to our children regarding Christianity. 

Experiences and Enrichment Opportunities:

  • Handling artefacts
  • Exploring sacred texts
  • Responding to images, stories and art
  • Meeting visitors from local religious communities
  • Making visits to religious places of worship were possible, and where not, making use of videos and the internet
  • Participating in assemblies (rolling cycle)
  • Comparing religions and world views through discussion
  • Debating and communicating through religious belief.

Religious Education Road Map

Curriculum Overview - Religious Education


The children at Lowercroft enjoy learning about the religions and why people choose or choose not to

follow a religion. Children are able to understand and make links between their own lives and experiences and those of others in their immediate community as well as the world. It is vital that our children develop an understanding of other people's cultures and ways of life, and the ways in which they may differ to their own. Religious Education is invaluable in our ever-changing world. 

Click the link below to see the subject 'end points' for each year group/key stage.