The Wider Curriculum
Lowercroft is a place where pupils enjoy rich and varied experiences to develop and explore new skills.
- Forest School – learning co-operation skills, team building, independent skills
- Outdoor Residential Trip - personal challenges and team building activities
- Wake Up Shake Up- returning soon....
- Swimming lessons in year 4
- Bikeability – professional road safety and practising safe cycling on local main roads
- Crucial Crew – keeping safe in the community
- Extra-curricular sports clubs (eg dance, football, tag rugby, athletics) and school teams
- Extra-curricular clubs (eg gardening, art, film, choir, crochet)
- Educational visits linked to current topic (eg skiing linked to mountains topic, Chester Zoo linked to science)
- Special visitors to school (eg animal experts, theatre workshops, firefighters)
- Special themed days.
- Chicks in Reception
- School choir who regularly perform for the community and further afield
- School Council...coming soon
- Eco Gang - coming soon....(team of children who help improve and preserve our school and the local environment)
- House Captains/House Ambassadors
- Building on children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development through activities such as inclusion activities (eg No Pen Day), class dress up days, well-being sessions and supporting our local community (eg fund raising, supporting charities and collective for local food banks)
- Book fairs
- Author visits to our school
- School plays
- Music performances
- Sports day
- Year 6 buddies for Reception children
- Parent learning sessions eg Stay and Play in reception
- Class museums
To find out more about how we enrich our curriculum, click on the link.