The Spring term in Year 6 is always a busy one! Thank you to all parents who were able to attend the SATs information evening. If not, our Powerpoint is on the main Y6 class page.
In English we have read The Invention of Hugo Cabret - a graphic novel retelling the story of an orphan boy who finds solace inside a Paris Train Station. We used this to inspire our writing of a narrative using speech. Maths has been all about Percentage, and we have started to look at Shape and Measure. Science has allowed us to investigate Evolution and Inheritance, including an in-depth study of the scientist: Charles Darwin. History has been extremely engaging this term, with a focus upon answering the question: did World War 1, or World War 2 have a bigger impact upon Bury? We looked at local war graves, examined our local cenotaph, baked wartime cookies following a rationed recipe, and ended it all with a brilliant trip to Stockport Air Raid shelters in role as evacuees. Art has been inspired by our well-loved history topic, with Year 6 planning, making and designing their very own creative mixed media piece: drawing upon their knowledge of how different media produces different effects in art, and trying to portray the message of how Bury, Greater Manchester and the United Kingdom were affected by the Second World War. P.E has seen us focus upon our athletic skills, with Year 6 and Year 5 working together through different events.
Phew! What a term so far!
Keeping our spirits up in 1941 during the Manchester Blitz!